D I S C O V E R    Y O U R    P U R E   P O T E N T I A L

What do you really really want?

What's stopping you having that?

The moment you set a goal, notice how your resistance comes up to cleverly stop you. Why is that? Despite having great ideas and going for your ambitions, life chucks curveballs at you until your hopes, dreams and ideas fade into the sands of time...

The Genius Journey® is a life-path re-direction that gives you a simple, do-able way to make your passion projects happen, clearing everything that's in the way of you achieving your dreams, and creating the life that really works for you. 

L I M I T E D   D E A L

75% discount for lifetime access!

More satisfaction

Experience the satisfaction of consistently seeing your projects through to completion.

More motivation

Feel motivated and excited as you effortlessly bring your visions to life with more energy and natural enthusiasm. 

More possibilities 

Embrace a future filled with limitless possibilities as go from strength to strength and realise that everything is possible.

More connection 

You don't need to go this alone, be part of our lovely creative community where we all do this together and have fun!



Beta-tester you get all future courses included


"I’ve been working with Maria and she has truly transformed my approach to dealing with emotions. Through her guidance and techniques, I’ve learned to process my feelings in a way that doesn’t overwhelm me. It’s been incredibly enlightening and liberating.

By engaging in various processes with Maria, I’ve been able to release a lot of emotional baggage. This has allowed me to approach situations more objectively, without being bogged down by emotional attachments. I’ve become more clear about my values, which means I’m less likely to be triggered by people or situations. This clarity has had a really deep impact on my personal and professional life.

One of the biggest changes I’ve noticed is in my earning capacity. I can now make money without feeling any guilt, as I’ve let go of the emotional conditioning that no longer serves me. This has opened up new possibilities for me, and I feel more aligned with my true self.

I’ve also realised the importance of being objective in my business. This objectivity has led to fewer challenges from others and a stronger sense of purpose. I’m clear about my values and this clarity protects me from unnecessary conflicts.
Maria’s group coaching has been a gift. She has a unique ability to unlock parts of me that I wasn’t even aware needed unlocking. My insights have been invaluable, and I see a new pathway ahead of me, free from the challenges that have always held me back before.

I’m excited about what’s to come and feel ready to offer my gifts to the world.

If someone is considering this course, I would wholeheartedly recommend it. She is a fantastic teacher who truly connects with you and helps you move forward in ways you might not even realise.

She has the gift of unlocking potential and helping you achieve your best self."


"I've done so many of these types of courses in the past, but none have been as effective as yours. What I love about yours is the clarity and energy that comes across when you present your materials. The way you teach concepts, use props and novelty techniques, makes it not just enjoyable but a really good way for me to learn and get it lodged in my mind. María's ability to distill complex ideas into easily understandable nuggets is really powerful because it’s just right in terms of the information that I can learn in a short and punchy way.

However, where your course really stood out was in the implementation phase. Initially, I struggled to translate theory into practice because I tend to distract myself and not focus. But, your unwavering support and guidance were instrumental in keeping me on track. Your willingness to address my concerns and share insights helped me overcome challenges and maintain motivation and momentum. Even during moments of doubt or frustration, your encouragement spurred me on.

Comparing your course to others I've taken, including those by renowned figures like Tony Robbins and Andy Harrington, yours is second to none. It's brilliant. I found their materials were quite ineffective, with too many trees killed for unnecessary amounts of printing. Yours in comparison felt tailor-made for success.

The practicality and effectiveness of your approach set a new standard in online education. Your presentation is simple, minimal and very user-friendly. It's something about what you do and how you do it, you model what you are teaching with your structures for success. 

In short, your course is not just a collection of lessons but a transformational journey and it's just a lovely package."

Learn the exact strategy that I used to overcome my lifelong pattern of feeling like a failure, to get unimaginable results

Hola, I'm María and I've been lead to believe that the path to achieving great success involved changing my mindset, always being positive, grateful and high vibe. But, it wasn't as straightforward as The Secret made out to be at all. Despite my monumental efforts in adopting healthy habits and trying every life hack in the book, I started questioning why my VERY hard work didn't give me the results I wanted.

Even though I had faith in myself, consistently practiced affirmations, and all that self-love and acceptance, deep down I just wondered why I was such a failure and nothing worked on me. thinking, "What the actual even?"

Until I discovered how to create using tension-resolution dynamics and it changed my life.

If you relate and are also not getting results as quickly as you know is possible...



There's a MONUMENTAL missing piece in the personal development world when it comes to achieving success that no one is talking about!

It's the difference between being "happy with your lot" versus "consciously creating a life that is in alignment with what really matters to you"

Traditional positive success mindset methods of brain re-wiring only address half the equation... they focus on "fixing" or "healing" your existing problems and traumas. 

But even if you've fixed all the problems and put out all the fires, you still have not created what you really really want. 

This sets up a problem-solving loop where you're obsessed with constant fixing, healing and improving yourself which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And you end up navel gazing and trying to shoo off the monkey mind all day and night with not much movement forward.  

T H E    P R O B L E M   I S

Problem-solving never ends, does it?

Does your head space get taken up by the problems that are shouting to be fixed? And the more problems you find, the more problem-solution books, courses, seminars, mentoring and groups will tell you to keep fixing yourself at the expense of your time, money and stress. 

MYTH: When you've evolved, fixed, healed, then you can have what you want.

But how can this be true when really successful people do not fix themselves all day, instead they focus on creating more of what they ENJOY. 

What's the secret of success?


The more time, money and stress you spend on fixing yourself, this reinforces that you are not it or not there which in turn creates an experience of not there yet.

This can stop you achieving your desired results because you're making your results personal about you. The creation process is not personal at all and has nothing to do with what you believe about yourself. 


T O    B E    T O T A L L Y    H O N E S T    W I T H    Y O U

Here is where I gave my power away for decades...

I used to believe that my success (or lack of it) depended on my mindset, my attitude, my mental health, my vibration, my fitness, my diet, my thoughts, my personality type. I believed that if I was really positive with bulletproof mindset that then I would be successful. 

But even when I did achieve the super positive states I still DID NOT ACHIEVE THE RESULS I desired! My sense of failure got even bigger. I just couldn't get the results I so craved and that I knew I was capable of. I was jealous of others who did and make myself wrong because I couldn't do the same. This left me believing that it was too difficult and I couldn't do it and that ultimately this was because deep down I am a failure. It's even hard to write this but it's true.

The real reason for my lack of success was because I was fighting against an internal structure based on the universal law of energy will take the path of least resistance.


Success becomes effortless when you learn how to create within a tension-seeking-resolution structure that automatically pulls you towards the constructive action on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. I started to see successful results for the first time in decades.

Avoidance of Pain or Pursuit of Happiness?

I was so stuck and not going for what I wanted because I felt less-than and was compensating for my many inadequacies such as:

  • I am unworthy
  • I am not good enough
  • I don't belong
  • ​I am incapable
  • ​I am insignificant
  • ​I have to be perfect

If you've ever had feelings of inadequacy please know that this is 100% normal and human. 


If you want to create more of what you want and feel satisfied with your life you have to be aware of the invisible forces that are pulling you back.

I struggled because...

The goals I was trying to achieve are designed to resolve all of the many ways that I felt incomplete.

This internal conflict is why I felt so frustrated with my life and have spent most of my time and money on personal development.

I'd have saved myself all of that if...

If only someone had told me this when I was young...

The Law of Attraction taught me that it was wrong to have negative thoughts and this made me feel even worse about myself!

If only I'd have known this sooner, I could have avoided spending so much of my life feeling like a failure and hating myself about it.

I wouldn’t have compared myself to others, understanding instead that my uniqueness was something to celebrate. I would have learned how to manage my depression, anxiety, and PTSD and not suffered in silence.

I would have nurtured my many talents from an earlier age and taken a different path in life.

I would have recognised my own beauty and created incredible things much sooner.

I wouldn’t have had to wait until I was 50 to pursue my true passion: music.

The no.1 reason the law of attraction doesn't work, is because the intention of your goals are actually attracting more ways to feel incomplete…

95% of goals you'll create do not fit into true goals, so can never be reached with motivational ease.


T H I S    S E R V E S    Y O U   T O

Engineer your life as you want it (not how you think you should)

I N    6    S I M P L E    M O D U L E S

Y O U R    C A L L    T O    A D V E N T U R E !

If you want to get from A to B quicker and easier then join The Genius Journey®


[MONTHLY] 5 debrief tutorial group calls a month (Value £8,000) 

[LIFETIME ACCESS] Tutorial video archive with over 80 videos (Value £3,000)

[BONUS] Motivational Re-Wiring Audio Adventure Library MP3's (Value £1,000)

[BONUS] Supercharge Your Power & Freedom Video Course (Value £200)

[BONUS] Conscious Communication Compass Guide (Value £100)

[BONUS] The Creator Challenge (Value £200)

[BONUS] Performance Power, from stage fright to confidence (Value £200)

[BONUS] All new courses I will create in future including: How I escape People Pleasing Prison, Creating Co-operation, Delightful Dating. (Value £Infinite)

L I M I T E D   D E A L

75% discount for Beta Testing

More satisfaction

Experience the satisfaction of consistently seeing your projects through to completion.

More motivation

Feel motivated and excited as you effortlessly bring your visions to life with more energy and natural enthusiasm. 

More possibilities 

Embrace a future filled with limitless possibilities as go from strength to strength and realise that everything is possible.

More connection 

You don't need to go this alone, be part of our lovely creative community where we all do this together and have fun!



For lifetime access and all future courses


For most people, the default pathway in life, unless you are among the privileged few, is one of survival stress, hard work, and trying to make ends meet. Creativity and innovation if at all are enrolled to fill the void left by the daily grind. “Don’t give up the day job, mate!” Speaks to this. 

However, I understand that there is another part of us that operates from our highest potential, a part I call the genius. This part is connected to all information and can be accessed when there is a creation tension that seeks its due and timely resolution. A call and response. 

But plot-twist! The moment a person decides to go towards their creative vision, dysfunctional patterns, family lineage, and toxic relational dynamics that have been inherited from the previous generations often come up to sabotage, procrastinate, and stall (or sh1t on) the creative journey. 

The genius journey creates the space for this creative pathway, enabling easy access to the source of creativity that I believe has always been within us. 

If this creative source didn’t exist, humanity wouldn’t have survived. Our survival as a species testifies to our innate, intrinsic, organic, and natural wiring for innovation and creation. Even when some people were in concentration camps, they still fulfilled on their creative itch urge to compose music, write books and serve each other. 

I wonder if this is the leveller question: Are you focused on creating what you want, and being on your creative orientation? Or are you focusing on problem-solving and surviving? These are two diametrically opposed orientations, or ways of operating. 

The genius journey enables an individual to create a pathway that is true to them, aligned with their soul force, what they care about, what matters to them and what is important. This creates a unique blueprint that cannot be reproduced by AI! Why? Because it is unique to the individual. Such uniqueness I celebrate and enable especially in an education environment that taught me to conform and be another little cog in the machine.

Building this new pathway takes time because the default pathway, based on survival stress, is well-trodden. It is potentially a new space, a new road, even a new country and culture that is yet to be discovered. But what a discovery that awaits! 

Why go on the genius journey? It’s a life path upgrade. Don’t wait for a cathartic event, terrible loss, disabling diagnosis, accident, or massive life change to reconsider your life’s direction. Don’t wait until it’s almost too late. Don’t wait for a midlife crisis or to be on your knees. Why not do it now? What are you waiting for? Start to redirect your life towards outcomes that you really want, that you really care about and get behind 100%. What’s the point in just do things half-arsed. 

When you get on your unique pathway, everything will becomes easier, and feels right. Your creations come to completion, and you experience more satisfaction, fulfilment, and energy because you will be living according to your soul force, your natural rhythm and your true nature. 

The genius journey also pays homage to my father, a mathematical and strategic genius who broke down the Chilean intelligence system and saved hundreds of lives. He was a hero and a genius. This journey is a nod to him and the groundwork he laid to pave the way for a fair and just society, one that gets human beings out of slavery and survival stress and into the infinite, limitless innovative potential that is human nature.

It's a journey, a fun one, and you will get from A to B quicker than by any other way I know. That’s why I am passionate about sharing it, because I don’t want you to struggle and suffer for the best part of 50 years like I have. I want you to have it now and start celebrating who you are and why you are here and what you are here to do. Are you with me? 

My name is Maria, and I have been facilitating personal development for 31 years.

Learn how to bring your ideas into reality

About María Adriana

Facilitator & Educator of 31 years and creator of:

Body Intelligence

Embodiment leadership training

Consenting Communication

Permission and respect constructive communication training

Performance PAZAZZ!

Authentic confident artistic expression

The Genius Journey®

Structures for success 

Her clients include: Heineken, Toyota, Santander Bank, O2, Sussex University, ZARA, Telefonica. 


  • Nia somatic awareness practitioner brown belt
  • Touch For Health practitioner 
  • Theta Healing practitioner 
  • ICF coaching qualification 
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