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You have always been intrigued by the purpose of life and your role in it. You’ve dedicated a good deal of effort to exploring these answers and have achieved some remarkable things along the way and you care deeply about leaving this world a better place than how you found it. 

You've  encountered obstacles and while you've learnt valuable lessons, you still have some questions unanswered. Even with your successes, you may still find yourself contemplating whether there is more to life than the relentless cycle of work, punctuated by holidays or enjoyable dinners—leading you to ask, What’s really going on here and what's my life really about?

You've dived into various courses, explored different philosophies and spiritual ideas, and sought personal growth, yet it still feels like something is missing. You ponder why life can be so difficult sometimes and how it can be more smooth. Ultimately, you are striving to make sense of your existence in this funny old world.

As a high achiever who is not afraid of hard work, you have found yourself on the brink of burnout, inviting deeper reflection on what you are doing and how you can align more closely with your true self in a way that gives you more work-life balance and more self-care balance instead of overdrive overworking. You are now at the stage where you want to relax and share all the wisdom that you have collected in a much more sustainable way.


My journey started with the trauma I faced as a child during the dictatorship in my homeland, Chile, where a regime reminiscent of Nazi tactics caused terror and perpetrated genocide, resulting in my father's death.

As refugees unfamiliar with the English language and culture, we arrived in England and had to rebuild our lives from scratch, lacking language skills, resources, and guidance.

During my childhood, I struggled to adapt to a different culture and became a chronic people pleaser in an effort to fit in and navigate this unfamiliar world. Unfortunately, this disempowering behaviour left me feeling even more inadequate and like a failure. This dysfunctional pattern also followed me into adulthood despite spending all my time and resources to overcome it.

However everything changed when I discovered a concept that completely transformed my life. I learned about structures and the process of creating through something called tension-resolution. After years of practice, I found that this approach is universally effective, leading me to develop online courses that teach it in a simpler, more accessible way than how I originally learned.

I'm María Adriana, a personal empowerment and leadership facilitator helping people overcome limitations to achieve meaningful outcomes that create more satisfaction and fulfilment for themselves and others.

These courses have been getting impressive results for many, including myself. I stopped criticising myself for my perceived failures when I realised that they were tied to the structures I was using, not to me personally. 

Once I changed those structures, my previous failures began to shift dramatically and it is my greatest desire to share this information with as many people as possible. I'm passionate about helping others be true to themselves, to their authentic callings, and to take most efficient and effective action to make their dreams come to life.

This mission also extends to the corporate world, where I aim to liberate people from a survival stress and guide them toward a new leadership structure that creates an innovative learning environment instead.

Having worked in leadership training and witnessed the lack of implementation of valuable teachings, I am even more committed to being the change and introducing systems, processes, and structures grounded in integrity that get results across the board (not just when everyone's had coffee and sugar). I am intentional about transforming corporate culture from survival stress to an environment of learning and co-creative innovation. 

María Adriana

31 years of facilitation and creator of:

Body Intelligence

Embodied leadership training

Consenting Communication

Constructive dialogue dynamics

Maria's Doll School

Self expression via 3D textile art

Performance PAZAZZ!

Powerful confident artistic expression

The Genius Journey®

Structures for success 

Her clients include: Heineken, Toyota, Santander Bank, O2, Sussex University, ZARA Inditex, Telefonica. Maria is from Chile, lives in Hove, UK with her husband and pandas. She is a musician, artist, author, speaker and facilitator.


I've struggled with clutter and hoarding all my life. My sink was piled up with washing up and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep on top of it. I even bought flatpack furniture to tidy my things away but never did because the person that was supposed to do it let me down. So the clutter grew even more and so did my stress levels.

With this course, I cleared my sink, built the flatpack furniture myself and tidied everything in just 3 days! I never thought it was possible to do this myself.

What made it so easy was how simple and motivating it was. I've never heard it put like that before.

Instead of focusing on the problem, I learnt to focus on something much more motivating that worked!


I've done so many of these types of courses in the past including Tony Robbins, but none have been as effective as yours. What I love about yours is the clarity and energy that comes across when you present your materials.

The way you teach concepts, use props and novelty techniques, makes it not just enjoyable but a really good way for me to learn and get it lodged in my mind. Your ability to distill complex ideas into easily understandable nuggets is really powerful because it’s just right in terms of the information that I can learn in a short and punchy way.

It's something about what you do and how you do it, you model what you are teaching with your structures for success.


By engaging in various processes with Maria, I’ve been able to release a lot of emotional baggage. This has allowed me to approach situations more objectively, without being bogged down by emotional attachments.

I’ve become more clear about my values, which means I’m less likely to be triggered by people or situations. This clarity has had a really deep impact on my personal and professional life.

One of the biggest changes I’ve noticed is in my earning capacity. I can now make money without feeling any guilt, as I’ve let go of the emotional conditioning that no longer serves me. This has opened up new possibilities for me, and I feel more aligned with my true self.

María Adriana © Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved | The Genius Journey® | Website by María on Simvoly Platform

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